Update 2/15:
This site received it's makeover for the most part. I'm going to be spending the next few days still making changes to the style of certain elements and other things (the code snippets specifically come to mind). If you have suggestions, feel free to email me.
There are a few items on my backlog for new articles, so I'll be working on those soon. I should also probably start looking for a job....
Previously, on Milk Tea Fuzz:
I'm (finally) in the process of redesigning this site. The journal entries will probably be stashed into one corner of the site by then. Anyway, I've brought up the old site instead of leaving a never ending 503 page up. Some posts will be purged (mostly because they've become irrelevant) or rewritten - we're just going to have to wait and see, aren't we?
It's almost time to wave bye to Totoro....
Meanwhile, enjoy whatever it is that brought you here!
This weekend was pretty productive for me. I've set up Postfix and Dovecot both on this server so now I'm serving mail from @milkteafuzz.com (primarily because I wanted to send texts/email from my server itself). I've also now configured my IRC client to send me texts whenever I'm away and highlighted or messaged, following Michael Lustfield's Irssi to SMS article for the most part.
In addition to the kyoto.maidlab.jp (see my previous post), I've moved my DNS to afraid.org's nameservers for milkteafuzz.com, and currently in the process of transferring clkwkornj.com to NearlyFreeSpeech (I've used them for about 5 years now - they're great) and will be hosting its DNS on afraid.org, also.
I am set to move to Chicago in about a month (and consequently leaving my job, sadly) and once I do I'll probably start setting things up out of my apartment. My friend's started up a survival minecraft server at Knights of Reason but hasn't set up a creative server. I might end up making one. Might.
Zmonitor 1.0.11 has also been released and is now available from the repo at rubygems.org, so you can just run gem install zmonitor
. 1.0.12 is probably rolling out soon but I won't make an announcement for it until the next major update, and hopefully it will be some sort of an interactive shell to work from.
Seeing how pretty I made kyoto.maidlab.jp I'm a bit inspired to redesign this site, so I might do that sometime soon. For now though, time to sleep. Possibly.
For now I have *.milkteafuzz.com and *.teppel.in currently pointing to the same server and document root. Anyone who's visiting for anime.milkteafuzz.com or some other service I previously had on my other servers should expect to see those come back up in the coming weeks (possibly this weekend) while I spent some time toying around with nginx' configuration.
With that said, some other special surprises may be in store.
So, yesterday I had my first dedicated server provisioned, and I've been tinkering with it since then, getting it configured as nicely as I can, with LVM and all sorts of funky things.
This site has now moved to the new server~ The domain is still currently pointing to the old server, and the old server is actually proxying requests to the Jekyll daemon on the new server for the time being, until I get the rest all migrated over.
I'm also going to be working on getting a TremZ server online later - was intending to have it up by now but I guess I delayed myself a little with getting the actual dedicated server. Got a good deal though, through Vee from DediDirect!
Tah-dah! This site is now officially powered by Jekyll.
I did put this off for a few days, but all the content I had generated up to now was being created so that I all I really needed to do was get some layouts created for these posts and pages. It's really flexible, I can tell!
I will be writing some articles on Jekyll seeing as it's not very simple to delve in if you're not already familiar with it (it took me the entire day to push this out) both for my reference and for others who might have trouble. There doesn't really seem to be a lot of documentation with setting up a Jekyll site on the internet yet, so hopefully this will come in handy.
Update: Just pushed an initial commit for this site's source at Github.