First Dive Into Lua - A Battery Widget
So, it's come to the point where my laptop has unexpectedly turned off from a dead battery one too many times, so I decided to write a battery widget using Vicious for the window manager I'm using, Awesome. The configuration files are all written in Lua, and honestly I've never touched Lua or felt like programming in it since it looks so...confuzzling.
Nevertheless, I took a look at the Vicious and Naughty libraries, and some Lua documentation to get this up and running:
batmon = awful.widget.progressbar()
batmon_t = awful.tooltip({ objects = { batmon.widget },})
vicious.register(batmon, vicious.widgets.bat, function (widget, args)
batmon_t:set_text(" State: " .. args[1] .. " | Charge: " .. args[2] .. "% | Remaining: " .. args[3])
if args[2] <= 5 then
naughty.notify({ text="Battery is low! " .. args[2] .. " percent remaining." })
return args[2]
end , 60, "BAT0")
What this basically does is create a progressbar widget with the Awful library, configure its settings, create a tooltip with detailed information, and registers the widget I created with Vicious. The Vicious portion of it uses the battery widget type and sets a timer to update it every 60 seconds, which updates the progressbar percentage and the tooltip. It also checks for a low battery, which for me pops up a little box at the upper right of my screen.
I'm probably not going to be touching Lua for a while again.